Olivia's first doctor visit

One of the families wanted to get a doctor to come check out her baby, because she thought she may have an ear infection. So, Doris made some calls, and we agreed to split the cost of making a specialist from the local Children's and Women's hospital make a house call. Incidentally, it worked out to be about $18 per couple, or about $75 for him to come see all four babies.
Olivia didn't like seeing the doctor too much, but we did find out that she has a skin infection. In fact, all the babies from this orphanage have this condition, and all of them needed to get medicine from the doctor. Three of the four, including Olivia, have the infection, and they'll need antibiotics. The doctor also prescribed an herbal salve that we mix up and put on the skin on the back of her head. He said that she should get better in a few days.
The doctor was such a kind man, I don't know if you can tell it from his eyes in the pictures or not, but his eyes are what made you be able to tell he was such a good person.
We actually experienced a Chinese fire drill last night, but we didn't have to participate. We knew ahead of time it would be happening, but we didn't know what to expect; if we'd have to evacuate the building or not. We heard people scurrying around with walkie-talkies and a lot of gibberish, but that's about it.
One family just called, at about 7:35am Mobile time, and they're going to have to take their baby to the hospital to get her sore lanced. Please pray for them. Also, please pray that Olivia will continue to bond with Michael
Thank you all again for continuing to be a part of this journey. Your words and prayers of support and encouragement mean so much to all three of us.
Michael, Christine and Olivia
I'm so happy for all of you! Olivia is beautiful; Mom and Dad are glowing with joy. Thanks for sharing your journey, Michael!
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