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Thursday, July 06, 2006

One more day!

We can hardly wait! Just one more day, and we'll be leaving to go to China for Olivia Mei Grace! We probably won't be able to sleep too much tonight, especially with that 3:00am alarm clock going off so we can get ready to make our early early flight Friday morning. But it'll DEFINITELY be worth it!

I got to thinking today about a time when Christine and I went to our first Children of the World picnic over in Fairhope, as guests of two wonderful friends who adopted from Kazakhstan. We went to this picnic, and I was just amazed at all these little Asian girls who were running around so joyfully, and calling these people who looked nothing like them "daddy". This was many years ago, and we were just in the beginning of the adoption process.

"How can it be" I thought, "that these little girls are calling these people 'mommy' and 'daddy'". It seemed so strange. And I of all people should know better, considering the fact that it's no mystery that my dad adopted me. As I thought about it, I saw joy in the eyes, smiles on the faces, and love in the hearts of these men who, for the most part, like Christine and I, can't have children on their own.

And I realized, this is just like my dad to me. Sure, I may not be linked to him through blood lineage, but that's not what it's all about. He is the only man I have ever known as 'dad'. He's the one who cheered for me at all those little league games, even though I always struck out far more than I got on base. He's the one who taught me how to mow the lawn (sometimes I wish I was absent from that lesson), how to cook on a grill, and how to be a kind, loving father. He's the one who taught me that if you work at something diligently and patiently, you can do anything you set your mind to. I know my dad doesn't wear a red cape, and he can't leap tall buildings in a single bound, but he sure is a hero to me (and he still stands for truth, justice, and the American way). And I only hope that I can live up to the example that my dad set for me to Olivia.

And THAT is what it's all about.

"Your love for me existed even before you formed me in the womb. You knew me and set me apart for Your special purpose long before I was born."
- Jeremiah 1:5

One more day!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Luck Guys!! Olivia Mae will be home very soon. God Bless you three on your journey.


Doug, Renee and Caroline!

10:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an adoptive parent as well (3 year old girl from S. Korea) all I can say is you are blessed and so lucky!

Safe travels and God Bless...

-chuck (charky on coolrunning.com)

9:57 AM  

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