Not too much going on today

The family that took their baby to the hospital had some very good results. They took care of the sore on her forehead, and they will have to go back to the hospital tomorrow morning to change the dressing.
It's horrible putting the salve on Olivia's head and giving her the antibiotics, but it's something we have to do. We can tell she's a lot happier now that the antibiotics are taking their effect on her.
We went out to do what we thought was shopping at 1pm today, but our guide was a little late. The pictures you see of Olivia walking with Christine are during the time we were waiting in the lobby. The shops were miserably hot; think Mobile on the hottest day of the summer, and DOUBLE the humidity. It's really hot, and most places have only one small oscillating fan for the whole store. Ouch!
We got home and let Olivia take a nap, and Christine went for a girl's tea while the dads kept the babies. I spent an hour or so bonding with Olivia, and we both had a wonderful time. I think I'm already turning her into the big Disney fan that Christine and I are by singing Disney songs to her!
We went out into town again tonight, and I continue to be amazed at the response of the people to the babies, and to us. At McDonalds, a group of teenage girls started giggling at me while I was ordering, which isn't too unusual in and of itself, seeing how goofy looking I am. However, one of the girls stepped up to me (there are no such things a lines or queues over here, if there's an open space, it's fair game, in a line at McDonalds or driving on the street). She asked me if I was a teacher, and I told her no, we're adopt baby, and pointed at Olivia. They all just grinned and grinned at Olivia. People young and old have pretty much the same reaction, Young men and teenage boys smile at us, and at Olivia, and often try to start a conversation. When we say "ni hao" (hello) or "shi shi" (thank you), it just makes them talk to us more in Chinese. I wish I could have learned enough of the language to communicate.
The older ladies are the most fun though, because they just get so happy seeing us. On the other hand, they're not afraid to scold you if the baby isn't covered up enough or doesn't have a hat on if she needs it. We saw this one very old lady and her daughter with Down's Syndrome before we got in the cab to come home tonight. They both just loved seeing the babies, and hovered around us for a long time. That's not uncommon or threatening either, by the way. I wish we could have talked to those two. They just grinned and grinned when I said "bye bye" to them.
China is an amazing place, and we are so lucky that God led us here to Olivia. Tomorrow won't be too big today, but we are looking forward to ordering Pizza Hut delivery and getting our laundry delivered to the hotel.
Again, we are both overwhelmed at all the support from you all. Sometimes when you send an email, the servers here won't let me send an answer back. I'll tell you more about that another time, but just know that we are getting your kind emails.
We miss you!
Michael, Christine and Olivia
WOW - the tears are flowing freely. You are wonderful parents and Olivia is truly a gift from God. I couldn't be happier for your family and thank you for posting all of this so I could follow and rejoice with you. Give her a hug from us! keepsmiling! Shannon Brausch
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