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Thursday, June 22, 2006

To all of our friends and family


Christine and I have been so overwhelmed at all the kind words and prayers of support that so many of you have given us, and continue to give us. We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful group of people from all around the country sharing this journey with us. You have all been a part of this journey, in some way or another, and you have all contributed to what Christine and I have gone through.

People often say that Christine and I are so brave and patient to wait through three failed adoptions in Russia, and to wait patiently for little Olivia Mei Grace in China. We don't really feel like we're anything special, and we certainly went through our times of doubt and frustration. During those times, we relied on each other, on you, our friends and family, and, most importantly, on our faith in Christ (see "Just Pedal" at the bottom of the page).

Every time I look at Olivia's pictures, and I see those beautiful eyes staring back at me so intently, that cute little mouth of hers, those ten toes wiggling, and that little patch of hair that is uncannily like mine, I smile. And I know that God has indeed shown Christine and I favor. He has entrusted us to raise this little princess, and all we had to do was wait and trust in Him. We plan on doing our level best, but we understand that there will be times when we'll need that strength from all of you, and from Christ. And He'll always be there - for us and for you.

Thank you so much for sharing this journey with us. We are looking forward to utilizing all the technology of the information age to share our journey through China and home with you.



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